Saturday, January 7, 2012


Happy New Year!!! 2011 has passed and welcome the new year 2012!
2012 will be a fantastic year ahead for me filled with fun, and more travel. I am going to packed my 3 months holiday right after my Year 1 exams fill with  travel adventures.

Few weeks back, I went to Bali, Indonesia. I loved Bali, it is a beautiful place with beautiful beaches, friendly locals, fantastic place to shop for beach wears. It is a place to take you to another world away.

The bought the blue maxi sundress in one of the shops in Bali. I haggled and got a great price from it. I love the sundress and I wore it right away after I bought! Not to miss out getting straw hat, flower clips, to go with the dress.

There are lots of amazing things that I can do in Bali and its a pity I didnt part-take in them.Look forward to going to Bali again.

Blue Sundress: Bought in Bali
Batik Bag: Bought in Bali

xxx Stylison xxx


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